After WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook is all set to get the dark mode soon. The feature has been made available to the Facebook Lite app. It is being predicted that the company will take time to make the feature available on the main app as it is still being tested. The dark mode feature was earlier rolled out for WhatsApp beta users; there also the feature was not launched on the main app
A report published in Android Police revealed that the feature has been rolled out for the Facebook Lite users and it appears to be a wide rollout. The users spotted the dark mode feature menu on the app. To turn it on, the users will have to go to the Settings option and make the changes. The dark mode on Facebook is not black but grey in dark colour. Users have revealed that is more soothing to the eye as compared to the usual black dark mode.
Here’s how you can activate the dark mode Step 1: Download the latest version of Facebook Lite. (Dark mode is not available on iPhone) Step 2: Go to the Settings menu, scroll down to the Dark mode’ and turn it on. Step 3: Similarly, you can turn the dark mode off using the same process.
For those who don’t know, Facebook Lite, as its name suggests, is a lighter version of the Facebook app. The size of the app is not as big as the main Facebook app. Although all the major functionalities are there on the Lite app, it misses out on certain features. Interestingly, the Facebook Lite app gets all the new updates before it appears on the main app. People, who lack storage space in their phones, usually opt for the Facebook Lite app. Out of all the social media apps such as WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram, only the photo-sharing app has a functional dark mode feature available for both its Android and iOS users. In order to activate the dark mode, one needs to have the updated version of Android and the latest iOS.
The dark mode feature is not only pleasant to look at, but it also has many advantages. When you switch onto the dark mode, you save the battery of your phone as it doesn’t emit as too many lights.
Using your phone in dark mode is also advisable for people who spend a lot of time on their mobile phones as the feature reduces the light emission and balances the colour contrast ration, which is a prerequisite for readability.
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