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National Wildlife Day 2020: Importance,How to Celebrate & Quotes


National Wildlife Day 2020

National Wildlife Day is celebrated on both February 22 and September 4 to raise the awareness of issues that impact wildlife. It is also an opportunity to raise awareness about the many endangered species in our country and around the world.

What is Wildlife and it’s importance?

Wildlife plays an important role in balancing the environment. Wildlife provides stability to different processes of nature. The importance of wildlife can be categorized as ecological, economic, and investigatory importance as well as conservation of biological diversities, etc. Wild animals are used in medicine for some research purposes, wild plants provide a source of drugs, and wild places can help to relieve the tension and stress associated with modern living. Wildlife is also a sensitive indicator of environmental change.

The Benefits Of Wildlife

The importance of wildlife can be categorized as ecological, economic, and investigatory importance as well as conservation of biological diversities, etc. Animals have also been highly useful to us in providing food, clothing, and source of income. Our life is impossible without the support of wildlife. We are also a part of wildlife to make ecological balance on earth. It plays a very important role in our life.

1. Wildlife helps in maintaining the ecological balance of nature.
2. The wildlife can be used to earn money. Wild plant products like food, medicine, timber, and fibers are of economic value, and wild animal products such as meat, medicines, and silk are of huge economic value.
3. Scientific experiments are done on some animals in wildlife. These experiments are related to the discovery of new drugs. This helps in making medicines for treatment for a disease. Generally, monkeys and rats are used for scientific research experiments.
4. By conserving wildlife, diversity in the environment can be conserved.
5. Wildlife also has great importance in terms of tourism.

How To Celebrate Wildlife Day?

  1. Visit your nearest zoo, wildlife park, museum, botanical gardens, or national park. Collaborate with local zoos, parks, botanical gardens, national parks, aquariums, or museums and encourage them to celebrate World Wildlife Day.
  2. You can make a group and clean up your local park or beach. This is a fantastic way to keep your local wildlife healthy and thriving, plus, it’s a great way to get involved in your community!
  3. Donate to or volunteer at a local animal organization.

Wildlife Day 2020 Quotes

“The only good cage is an empty cage.” -Lawrence Anthony

“The smaller the creature, the bolder its spirit.” -Suzy Kassem

“If we can teach people about wildlife, they will be touched. Share my wildlife with me. Because humans want to save things that they love.” -Steve Irwin

“Crocodiles are easy,’ Steve said. ‘They try to kill and eat you. People are harder. Sometimes they pretend to be your friend first.” – Terri Irwin, Steve & Me

“Wild animals are less wild and more human than many humans of this world” -Munia Khan

“Love about any animal or bird is pure because in that love u don’t expect anything from them” -Kedar dhepe