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Best Bijoya Dashami Image | Subho Bijoya Images In Bengali


Durga Puja

Durga Puja is a famous Hindu festival where Goddess Durga is worshipped. Durga Puja is also known as Durgotsava. Durga Puja celebrates the ten-armed mother goddess and her victory over the evil buffalo demon Mahishasura. Durga Puja is the biggest festival of the year and the most significant cultural event in Bengali Hindu society and celebrated across India, In West Bengal, Assam, and Tripura. It is a ten-day festival, even though it is the latter five days that are recognized and celebrated. The last five days being special festivals that are reflected in public holidays in some states in India. The pandals are beautifully decorated with a certain theme. The streets are crowded with people who are out to see the pandals and the idols of the goddess Durga.

Best Bijoya Dashami Image | Subho Bijoya Images In Bengali

Bijoya Dashami marks the end of Navratri and Durga puja festivals. Bijoya Dashami is one of the important days of Durga Puja. The day is celebrated by sharing sweets and well wishes greetings after the immersion of the idol of Devi Durga.

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Subho Bijoya Images In Bengali

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